The Beautiful Bulgaria
You do not need a man to go down to Egypt to see
. Because of the few places in
Bulgaria also has pyramids. True, they had nothing to do with the masterpieces of human civilization, but they are natural phenomena.
Most popular now here are the pyramids of Melnik. But the truth is that for them, but rather because wine mountain town full of hotels and houses on the weekend. A beautiful rock formations are accepted rather as part of the landscape.
Pyramids around the area on the southwest slopes of Pirin. Melnik reach 100 m and the color is white to pale yellow. Their slopes are sandy and in places almost completely vertical. With their tops grow shrubs and grass. Besides those around Melnik are very beautiful and pyramids around the nearby village Kurlanovo. There are other rock formations such as sponges, needles and cones.
Another group of pyramids, which is becoming increasingly popular among tourists are Stob. Located on the west slope of Rila, above the village of Stob, whose name they bear. You can combine the trip with them to visit the Rila Monastery. More on the main road there are huge signs indicating their location. And the church at the end of the village has a parking space.
7-8 years before the pyramids led to only a plain path, but today the area is gradually improves over the steep slopes are draped wooden railings. From next year is expected to enter the rock formations in the list of the 100 tourist sites, but now collects a fee of $ 2 a promise to the foot path to the top of the asphalt path and make it more comfortable for walking. Walk around half an hour.
Pyramids themselves are scattered into two groups of people called by different names - towers, crags, Samodivski chimneys, Bride and others. The first group has wood trim, but the top is steep and unsafe, so we must be very careful.
The view from the top, however, is magnificent and worth the climb.
The average height of the pyramids is between 7 and 10 meters. The color of the rocks varies between yellow and brown. Because locals say they are especially beautiful at sunset or moonlight. Most are conical, and some end with a stone cap, resembling mushrooms. Their help in shaping many melting glaciers in the Rila mountain spring. Torrential rain, heat, cold and wind continue its "sculptural" work.
There are three legends about the origin of the pyramids, are associated with weddings and love.
The most popular of them tells that once the village matchmakers Kolibite took a girl from the neighboring village of Stob. Since that time young married without knowing each other, the girl was veiled according to custom. With the passage of the wedding procession on the southern slope of the hill, however Kulsko wind blew and lifted the red veil of the bride. She was so beautiful that the best man could not restrain myself and tried to kiss her. Horrified, turned into stone-laws remained so ever with their hats.
There's a legend and the impossible love between a Bulgarian girl and a Turkish man. They dreamed that their love is doomed because of differences in religion. Desperately, she jumped from the rock and the place is a pyramid, which people called Bride.
According to another story of two young village fell in love. Her mother did not agree, but they decided it will raise the wedding. When she realized she cursed her daughter - her father in law as a kiss, all the wedding guests to become stones. So it happened.
Whatever the truth, the rock formations are very beautiful and the place is absolutely charming.
Pyramids has much closer to Sofia - on the village of Katina. They are not popular and that makes them difficult to detect.
Katina to be reached quickly - for 30-40 minutes by car from downtown, with Shuttle bus 18 or 27. The problem is that only one place in the village has a plaque indicating the direction. Floor is not any street, namely the "pyramid". Almost at the end it is the small path to the beautiful rock formations, which, however, was almost impassable from the branches.
Pyramids themselves are also "buried" in the trees and plants are visible only expressed in late autumn and winter when leaves are windfalls. The very rock formations change from yellow-brown to burgundy color. They, however, from year to year because of eroding established near an artificial lake and vegetation coming.
Becoming smaller and wonder soon disappear entirely.
One of the most beautiful rock formations in the region of Kardjali - over Zimzelen villages, clematis and volunteer. Unlike other pyramids that are formed in volcanic tuffs. The researchers said they have occurred before 50 million years of volcanic ash at the bottom of the former Eocene sea, whose bottom is believed to have been present Eastern Rhodopes. The rocks are saturated with iron and manganese oxides, which leads to their varied colors - pink, green, yellow or white.
The Beautiful Bulgaria Originally published in Shvoong: