Like a lot of the people who has been adopted or simply connected their life with the adoption process I had my own sad story which I would like to share with you.
13 years 
ago I understood for my adoption. And so 13 years ago there was a big secret. The secret of my life. So, a long time ago when 1I was 6 and I was just a young scared girl… I understood for my adoption. “Adopted” - Did I know what does it mean? I think I know already… My journey has began on 3rd of March, 1978 in one hospital. The birth name given me from my biological mother was Happy. And this is the beginning of my story. A woman who was a doctor from a small town, married, mother of two has came to work in a bigger hospital, here where I was born. She wanted to hide her pregnancy from the others. That’s why she moved out from the small town with me in her womb. One man – my biological mother’s husband and also a teacher worked abroad. Two more children in the family – my oldest brothers or sisters (who knows), probably have their own families and children already… Here the story ends and begins a new story a little bit different than the other but also interesting and… A woman – a teacher and a man – her husband – a mechanic, meet each other, fall in love and create a family. On the next six years they waited to have their own child but it never happened. And until September 4th 1978, when their dreams came true and a little miracle came in their life… Six months ago a baby was born on a big city hospital and right after that this baby were sent to an children home never seen its mother… but waiting to find a family. And this is our story: I had very difficult childhood because of the beliefs that the adopted children are second hand. My adoptive father parents thought I’m not a good enough to be a part of this family. I was always separated from my cousins without a reason. But I didn’t know the simple fact that I’m an adopted child. Many, many years I grew up with all those fears in my heart and I never realized what the truth is. I only new that I’m good enough and I have the right to be loved like all others. But I lived 16 years under a pressure, abused and victimized. My poor adoptive mother she loved me so much but She never find the right time to tell me what the horrible secret they hide from me.
And so it was so hard for her to love me in this way – watching the sadness in my eyes… After my 16th birthday I remember playing with the children from the neighborhood and then something really big happened in my life… -You’re nobody’s child you are a small stupid bustard – she said laughing on me. It was an old lady living in our block. -I’m sorry but I’m not so sure what does it mean - answered I, already scared enough. -Don’t You know? You are adopted which means nobody’s, second hand… At this moment I had nothing else to say. My life was turned up side down. I just started to cry and cry and cry… This lady changed my whole life and my future. On the same day I told my parents how much I love them and they are my only parents who I know and I want to have. And then they said they don’t care for me anymore and I’m free to go wherever I wish… Now I’m 29 years old and for 13 years I changed my life for good. Till this day I live with my beloved parents. We live together just because there is no way for us to be separated anymore. My mother helped me to start searching for my biological parents and my father gives me hug every day with a smile and the blessed “I love you daughter!” Just because I never thought it can be in different way – I believed in them I teached them to believe in me. For those 13 years they grew up much more than me. Every day I’m keep telling them: We are a family – You have only me, I have only You and this is right. I love Youso, so much and I’ll never leave You. I never found my relatives but I want to thank them so much. This unknowun lady made the biggest present in our life. And that is the end of my story, but this is not the end of our love – our journey starts right on this moment when me, my mother and my father said “YES” to the adventure to be blessed with the adoption!
The adventure to be adopted in Bulgaria - An adoption story Originally published in Shvoong:
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