The Denver Museum of Miniatures,
dolls and toys 
is located at historic Pearce McAllister cottage, a large yellow house with a green roof in Gaylord Street, west of City Park. The preservation, exhibition and interpretation through visual arts using dolls and toys are the main highlights. Their aim is to reach their goals in such a way that the beneficiaries are the people of Rocky Mountains. It was founded in 1981 by the grass root community and was given support by many business owners, civic groups and organization of doll artists. During the years, 1981 up to 1987, despite of the crisis in public facilities and manpower, volunteers still continued their support to the museum and in fact, given their full service to have an excellent presentation of the exhibits to the community. Finally, in 1987, the museum was open for public viewing. There are allotted parking space in front of the museum for Handicaps only. But for others, they can park at the streets nearby because they have no parking lots available. There are accessible ways for the handicaps to view the exhibits safe and secure. Unfortunately, the second floor is not accessible for handicaps, but there is always room for help by some helpful people. There are also garden rooms to reserve for children’s party. It is very special for kids to have a special day full of fun and laughter at the garden room of the museum. They conduct workshops for those people who would like to learn how to make dolls and toys. Field trip at the museum is highly recommended for children to increase their knowledge on geography, history, architecture, art and science. Furthermore, reservation needs to be one month in advance for proper scheduling. Explore, learn and grow, these can only be happened in one recreational place like the Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls and Toys.
The Denver Museum of Miniature, Dolls and Toys Originally published in Shvoong:
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