EAT, PRAY, LOVE One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia.
Early on in "Eat, Pray, Love," her travelogue of spiritual seeking, the novelist and journalist Elizabeth Gilbert
gives a characteristically
frank rundown of her traveling skills: tall and blond, she doesn't
blend well physically in most places; she's lazy about research and
prone to digestive woes. "But my one mighty travel talent is that I can
make friends with anybody," she writes. "I can make friends with the
dead. . . . If there isn't anyone else around to talk to, I could
probably make friends with a four-foot-tall pile of Sheetrock."Here, Gilbert's subject is herself. Reeling from a contentious
divorce, a volatile rebound romance and a bout of depression, she
decided at 34 to spend a year traveling in Italy, India and Indonesia.
"I wanted to explore one aspect of myself set against the backdrop of
each country, in a place that has traditionally done that one thing
very well," she writes. "I wanted to explore the art of pleasure in
Italy, the art of devotion in India and, in Indonesia, the art of
balancing the two." Her trip was financed by an advance on the book she
already planned to write, and "Eat, Pray, Love" is the mixed result.At
its best, the book provides an occasion for Gilbert to unleash her
fresh, oddball sensibility on an international stage. She describes
Messina, Italy, as "a scary and suspicious Sicilian port town that
seems to howl from behind barricaded doors, 'It's not my fault that I'm
ugly! I've been earthquaked and carpet-bombed and raped by the Mafia,
too!' " Later, she sees a Balinese mother "balancing on her head a
three-tiered basket filled with fruit and flowers and a roasted duck —
a headgear so magnificent and impressive that Carmen Miranda would have
bowed down in humility before it." Gilbert also takes pleasure in
poking fun at herself. At an Indian ashram, she winningly narrates the
play of her thoughts while she tries to meditate: "I was wondering
where I should live once this year of traveling has ended. . . . If I
lived somewhere cheaper than New York, maybe I could afford an extra
bedroom and then I could have a special meditation room! That'd be
nice. I could paint it gold. Or maybe a rich blue. No, gold. No, blue.
. . . Finally noticing this train of thought, I was aghast. I thought:
. . . How about this, you spastic fool — how about you try to meditate
right here, right now, right where you actually are?""Eat, Pray, Love" is built on the notion of a woman trying to heal
herself from a severe emotional and spiritual crisis; Gilbert suggests
more than once that she was at risk for suicide.
But where she movingly
rendered up the tortured inner life of Eustace Conway, the gigantically
flawed subject of "The Last American Man," Gilbert has a harder time
when it comes to Gilbert. Often she short shrifts her own emotional
state for the sake of keeping the reader entertained: "They come upon
me all silent and menacing like Pinkerton detectives," she writes of
feeling depressed and lonely in Italy, "and they flank me — Depression
on my left, Loneliness on my right. They don't need to show me their
badges. I know these guys very well. We've been playing a cat-and-mouse
game for years now. . . . Then Loneliness starts interrogating me. . .
. He asks why I can't get my act together, and why I'm not at home
living in a nice house and raising nice children like any respectable
woman my age should be."But wait a second — Gilbert is a New York journalist who has spent the
prior several years traveling the world on assignment. In her chosen
milieu, it would be unusual if she were married and raising kids in a
house at age 34 — by her own account, she left her husband precisely to
avoid those things. I'm willing to believe that Gilbert despaired over
having failed at a more conventional life even as she sought out its
opposite — complications like these are what make us human. But she
doesn't tell thge the paradox. As a
result, her crisis remains a shadowy thing, a mere platform for the
actions she takes to alleviate it."Eat, Pray, Love" suffers from a case of low stakes; one reads for the
small vicissitudes of Gilbert's journey — her struggle to accept the
end of her failed rebound relationship; her ultimately successful
efforts to meditate; her campaign to help a Balinese woman and her
daughter buy a home — never really doubting that things will come
right. But even Gilbert's sassy prose is flattened by the task of
describing her approach to the divine, and the midsection of the book,
EAT, PRAY, LOVE One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia. Originally published in Shvoong:
Early on in "Eat, Pray, Love," her travelogue of spiritual seeking, the novelist and journalist Elizabeth Gilbert
EAT, PRAY, LOVE One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia. Originally published in Shvoong:
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